OGZC is on YouTube! For ALL recorded Dharma talks by our teachers, please see the Ocean Gate YouTube Channel.

More on Zazen

Posted by on Mar 28, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments

More on Zazen

Rev. Shinshu Roberts continues the discussion started last week by Daijaku Roshi about Zazen.



Posted by on Mar 19, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments


Rev. Daijaku Kinst suggests Zazen is life-giving, discussing how it can serve as refuge for us in our difficulties and challenges.


Warrior in the Garden

Posted by on Mar 2, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments

Warrior in the Garden

Mark H., a long-time Zen practitioner and student at OGZC, gives a talk about violence, compassion and the practice of the warrior.



Posted by on Feb 25, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments


Rev. Shinshu Roberts discusses Dogen’s fascicle Shoji (Birth-Death) -which we chant weekly at Ocean Gate Zen Center – a primary Zen Buddhist teaching about being fully engaged in this moment.


Three Minds in Transition

Posted by on Feb 14, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments

Three Minds in Transition

Discussing how we practice in times of transition, Rev. Daijaku Kinst reflects on James Baldwin, then the “three minds” teaching of Dogen’s from the TenzoKyokun.


Climbing the Mountain

Posted by on Feb 4, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments

Climbing the Mountain

Rev. Shinshu Roberts shares her response to the eulogy delivered by Rev. Al Sharpton at the funeral of Tyre Nichols last week, discussing the Zen teaching of putting effort into our practice for the benefit of the greater good.


Life of Dogen Part 3

Posted by on Jan 22, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments

Life of Dogen Part 3

Rev. Daijaku Kinst continues teaching about the life of our Soto lineage holder from Japan, Zen Master Eihei Dogen.


Life of Dogen Part 2

Posted by on Jan 14, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments

Life of Dogen Part 2

Rev. Shinshu Roberts continues teaching about the life of our Soto lineage holder from Japan, Zen Master Eihei Dogen.



Life of Dogen Part 1

Posted by on Jan 10, 2023 in YouTube | 0 comments

Life of Dogen Part 1

Rev. Daijaku Kinst tells us about the life of our Soto lineage holder from Japan, Zen Master Eihei Dogen.



Posted by on Dec 31, 2022 in YouTube | 0 comments


Using a teaching of Dogen’s from the Eiheikoroku, Rev. Shinshu Roberts discusses Solstice as a time for reflection, transformation and renewal.




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