The Eyes of the Heart

 The places the eyes of the flesh can see have a limit
 The places the eyes of the heart can see have no limit.
Gyokko Sensei,from Paula Arai’s book Bringing Zen Home: The Healing Heart of Japanese     Women’s Rituals            

Daijaku’s Commentary: The eyes of the heart are open – they see clearly and are not obstructed by assumptions and bias. These eyes are not misted over with romantic notions – they are not misted over with any notions. The eyes of the heart see through the obstructions caused by our limited views. Being fully present to ourselves and each other we come to know what is beneath the judgments we can hold and see the ways we are all connected beyond any notion of limitation. Gyokko Sensei is pointing to the clear eyes of wisdom that show us a world of gratitude and effective action. She is encouraging us to enter that world.

Try it, what would it mean if for a day you make an effort to see everyone and every thing around you with the clear vision of the heart?

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